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Mighty dog collection online shopping with


High quality dog harness online store? One of the best solutions is actually to deal with the problem of leash aggression by removing the leash. This may seem counterintuitive on its face, but it actually is not. Without leashes, dogs can naturally greet each other from the side and sniff each other’s genitals. These greetings only last a few seconds, but they can become combative when dogs are forced to approach each other head-on, as is typically the case when being walked on a leash coming from opposite directions. When dogs walk towards each other, their natural predisposition is that their owners intend for them to fight. Because they do not actually want to do that, they try to increase the distance between themselves and the other dog. The tools that a dog uses for this type of distance-enhancing behaviors is to lunge forward, growl, and bark. They begin to see the other dog as a threat, one that they are trying to remove from their presence.

When dogs hurt, they communicate it in different ways. Here are just some of the signs to take a mental note to indicate that the dog is hurting. The expression of “licking their wounds” actually comes from the widely noticed habit of animals to lick the area that causes them pain. When a dog is hurting, instinctually they constantly lick the area that’s bothering them. If the wound is external, it can be visible, but when the pain is coming from inside their bodies, they are still drawn to lick the area to try to soothe it away. Dogs will also lick their paws, a method of soothing themselves, and if they are bothered by their eyes, they will lick the paws, and then rub their eyes with them.

Holidays are gregarious events; gathering loved ones to socialize and mingle among sometimes relatives and friends we do not see as often as we would like. Many animals also long for interaction with their own kind. It is a good opportunity to let your furry kids socialize with fellow animals, to play, and remember how nice it is to be around their own kind. Some owners take the idea further by having the pets exchange gifts, or exchanging them with other owners on the pets’ behalf to be more accurate. A fun holiday photo op can present itself if there is a matching theme for the pets. This will not only make for an adorable picture (if all animals involved cooperate), but also will create a lasting moment captured for memories for years to come. Many such holiday pet parties actually incorporate challenging games to infuse fun into the lively pet interaction environment. Discover additional information at dog leash online shopping.

Sure, dogs don’t have the daily responsibilities that we humans have such as work, paying bills, and commitment overload. But they’re there to remind us to take a deep breath and that it will be ok. They remind us to not harbour resentment or negativity. Holding onto the fact that your partner rubbed you the wrong way three days ago isn’t going to make anybody any happier. Dogs don’t sulk to their room and not hang with you for the rest of the evening just because you didn’t share that last piece of bacon with them. They may shoot you a dirty look on occasion, but that’s about the extent of it. Life’s too short to not be happy. Happiness is not only good for the mind, but also extends to the physical body. Unhappy people are almost three times as likely to develop the common cold compared to happier people. People who work on being happy are faced with less stress, which keeps their immune system healthier and they deal with less aches and pains.

Every venture has an origin, and PetPonia is no different. Back in 2015, I encountered and fell in love with a beautiful pup in a local shelter. She was all sorts of ‘pawesome’ and stole my heart from the get-go! Her unconditional love was my driving inspiration to start helping rescue dogs and rescue operations as much as I could. In my efforts to assist, PetPonia was born. PetPonia’s mission has, from its very onset, been to offer dog owners high-quality products for their beloved four-legged counterparts, while promoting the adoption of rescue dogs and assisting animal organizations. How much help we can offer these great efforts is unlimited, especially with your help! While your pup enjoys the products you purchased from us, you will know that every purchase made is helping a rescue dog find their forever home. Read extra details on

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