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Team planning online solution right now


Project planning platform today? CIP enables you to use Azure Keyvault as a storage for your secrets. That means that your developers does not have sensitive secrets in their code. What is an Integration? When data changes in one system you want other systems to either use that data or to do some kind of work, maybe move or crunch data. Integrations can be runned in just-in-time or as a scheduled jobs – depending on your systems ability to report events. 3 things to consider when designing integrations: Have a holistic view and look beyond this particular integration you are building. Plan for more while you are it.

Copyl is different from other Software-as-a-Service. We make a positive difference for thousands of businesses around the world. Our mission: Reinventing Productivity! We are working hard every day to develop smarter and better tools for all kinds of businesses around the world. If we make you more efficient at work, your company will be more sustainable, which is good for the community. When you feel you are in control you will get more energy and time for more innovative tasks. Discover even more details at Copyl helps you organize all your contracts. Get an overview over all contracts. Categorize them and group contracts by customer, supplier or framework agreement. You get an overview from where the revenue and costs comes from.

What is Contract Lifecycle Management? Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) automates the process from contract initiation to contract signing and renewal/termination. You get a better visibility of your spending and revenue sources, as well as greater efficiency in your contract process. That results in lower costs for administration and mitigates the risk of paying suppliers that is terminated. Copyl has a free version of the Contract Management system (see below) that you can start using to keep track of your contracts and other documents.

Why microservices? Microservices architecture means new opportunities for most organizations. Faster development and faster time-to-market. Independent services that can be released/updated at any time. The team is responsible for the application roadmap and for developing and maintaing the microservice. The team also has the freedom to use any technology within each service. The biggest challenges with microservice architecture: We know from our own experience and from helping other companies that implementation of microservice architecture means new challenges that needs to be addressed for a successful implementation. Discover even more information at

Expect data to be inconsistent: There is no Foreign Keys connections between databases in different microservices. Presume the data is inconsistent between different systems and manage that. We cannot make isolated transactions over multiple microservices. Create local transactions if needed. Use Saga Management to orchestrate requests, enable error handling and enable rollbacks over multiple microservices. Database documentation in OpenAPI (e.g. Swagger): We recommend that the database model is defined together with the api and therefore also enjoy the automatic OpenAPI documentation.

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