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Some tricks for your RV lifestyle


Road Van (RV) life is fabulous. Fun, travel, freedom combined in one lifestyle. But there are many aspects that can be optimized, to make your RV life even cheaper. RV parking tips : We use two-way radios to give us a way to talk to each other and to lessen the impact if I inadvertently end up in a position where Mark can’t see me in the rearview mirror. We use the longest distance radios we can get, to make sure the signal is decent. Right now we have 36 mile GMRS radios, which are realistically good to about 3-5 miles. We used these on our boat (a godsend when anchoring) and we’ve used them ever since we started RVing. We’ve gone through three sets so far, because the salt air ate up two pairs during our cruising years.

Do whatever it takes to go on trial runs before your final departure date. The longer you can be out in the camper, the more you’ll learn. Trial runs will help you figure out what you need to take with you, and what you can safely get rid of. Another idea is to move into your RV full-time but stay in your hometown for several weeks or months. This can help you get acclimated to RV life without the stress of traveling and “living” in an unfamiliar town. Moving into your camper can also make it easier if you have to sell your home or phase out of your job. Transitioning to a life where you’re always on the move means saying goodbye, at least for a while, to family and friends. It’s important to make time for the people you love as your departure date gets closer. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself visiting a ton of people at the last minute (when you have a million other logistical details to take care of), and getting exhausted and stressed in the process.

Looking back on the miles we drove in the first year, neither of us can imagine doing it by ourselves. Unless you don’t have plans to move very often or for long distances at a time, it’s good to share the drive. Whenever I pull up to a campground, the neighbors always stop by and say to Joe “I wish my wife drove.” If you’re not comfortable driving an RV, there are driving classes available. The more you drive, the more confidence you will have. Before you know it, you’ll be thinking to yourself “this is a piece of cake”. You might even start looking forward to taking your turn behind the wheel.

Short road van pick of the month : Thor makes these smaller class A RVs and call them RUVs (Recreational Utility Vehicles). It runs under two different names: Vegas 24.1 or Axis 24.1. It’s exactly the same layout, a bit different color in the outside. These RUVs feature all amenities than larger class A RVs and they got an updated modern look from the model year of 2019. Read more info on short Class A RV.

RV security system pick : Tattletale RV Alarm: This is another advanced security alarm system designed with modern technology to give your RV great protection from burglars. It has one of the fastest cellular alarm systems on the market, powered by Verizon at no cell charges. It is easy to set up and takes only about 60 seconds, can be plugged into any outlet and has an after-charge performance of up to 20 hours. What this means is that even when it is not connected to an electric source, you can continue to enjoy efficient protection.

Get out of debt, Debt is not a reward, and you should avoid it at all costs. When you have a debt, you will have limitations since you cannot make any major changes until the debt is cleared. One major debt you can incur is getting your RV on loan. It is better to pay cash for it than take a loan since you will end up paying more for it. Getting out of debt is your first step towards financial freedom. Try to get an RV you can afford. Source:

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