Chameleon Articles Directory Schlepp- & Suchleine

27 Hunde Kuschelhöhlen: Hundedecken…jeder Hundehalter besitzt sie wie Sand am Meer, doch wirklich schick oder zur Wohnungseinrichtung passend, sind die wenigsten. Bei uns findest Du individuelle und wunderschöne Decken für Deinen Hund.

Viele Hundehalter wissen es zudem zu schätzen, dass die Führleine ganz einfach um den Hals gehängt werden kann, wenn der Hund frei läuft. Führleinen aus Nylon sind in der Regel günstiger als Modelle aus Leder, dafür sind sie jedoch nicht so griffig und weniger langlebig. Designfans kommen mit einer Nylonleine jedoch ganz auf ihre Kosten, denn es gibt sie in verschiedensten Farben und Designs sowie als Set mit passendem Halsband oder Geschirr. Lederleinen sind in der Regel besser verarbeitet und halten bei guter Pflege viele Jahre. Auch die Haptik wird von den meisten Menschen als angenehmer empfunden.

Der Hundepool von Trixie lässt alle Besitzer- und Hundeherzen höherschlagen. Er kann zum einen in drei unterschiedlichen Grössen gekauft werden. Somit ist für jeden Hund eine passende Grösse zu finden. Ausserdem ist das Material extrem kratz- und reissfest, sodass es jeglicher Belastung standhält. Kunden sind von der Leichtigkeit und Einfachheit des Aufblasens, Wasser Einfüllens, Wasserablassen durch das Ventil, sowie des Zusammenlegens begeistert. Sie würden diesen Pool wärmstens weiterempfehlen. Hundekrone® Online Hundeshop für kleine & große Hunde: Vom Chihuahua bis zur Dogge. Hundebetten, Hundesofa, Lederhalsband. Hundekrone ist ein Online-Shop für Hundeprodukte: Hundefutter, Hundekleidung, Hundepools und viele andere hochwertige Produkte für Hunde. Entdecken mehr details auf dieser Website

Dieses Royal Canin-Hundefutter Mini Adult eignet sich dem Hersteller zufolge als Vollnahrung für kleine Rassen. Ab dem 10. Monat können Sie demnach Ihrem kleinen Liebling dieses Futter geben. Ausgewählte Nährstoffe sowie eine spezielle Futtergröße,- struktur und -form sollen vor allem die Nahrungsaufnahme bei wählerischen Hunden erleichtern. Mit dem Hundefutter von Royal Canin sollen Sie auch Zahnstein bei Ihrem Hund vorbeugen können. Denn die enthaltenen Natriumphosphate fangen dem Produzenten zufolge das im Speichel enthaltene Kalzium ab, wodurch die Zahnsteinbildung reduziert werden soll. Der Hersteller hält dies für notwendig, da bei kleinen Hunden die Zähne enger zusammenstehen, so dass sich auf der Zahnoberfläche leichter ein Belag bilden kann.

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Jungle kitten for sale in Toronto


Bengal cats are incredible. If you are searching for a cat we think that bengal cats are an excellent decision. This is something that new owners must be aware of. They will follow you into the bathroom when you go to take a bath. If you allow them to stay in the room with you, your Bengal cat may even jump into the bathtub with you to enjoy a quick splash. When you set your Bengal kitty outside of the bathroom door, he may break out into loud meows of complaint to let you know that he wants to get back inside with you. Most cats will raise a terrible fuss if you attempt to attach them to a leash. Bengals are different in this regard. If you start leash training your cat when he or she is just a kitten, the task will be much easier, however; adult Bengals may also be leash trained without too much difficulty. They are not as likely to tear you up during the process as most other cat breeds.

Are you looking forward to welcome a new companion to your home? Then you must think about welcoming a Bengal cat. Plenty of reasons are available for you to think about making this decision, instead of going for another cat breed or even a dog. Here are some of the best reasons available out of them. Bengal cats are pretty much similar to babies. They are noisy, but you will not be able to figure out the exact reason on why they are noisy. Bengal cats make noises when they are bored, curious and hungry. In some of the instances, they even make noises while begging for attention. It is true that cats prefer to remain high up. This is applicable for Bengal cats as well. You will be able to get into an enjoyable conversation along with your Bengal cat and you will fall in love with it.

The Bengal’s pelt-like coat is also quite different to the touch because it feels more silk-like and plush. It also has quite a sheen to it which is magnificently captured when these sleek cats lie or walk in sunlight. It’s when their coats really glisten and when their markings are the most striking. The beauty of their pelt-like coat is that is requires very little to no brushing because Bengals take care of themselves by licking their fur in shorter and less frequent self-grooming sessions. Because there is less dried saliva left on their coasts, there tends to be far less dander floating around in the air which makes life a lot easier for anyone who has an allergy to cats.

There is a widespread myth that thoroughbred cats have very weak immunity, often get sick and die from problems that are easily tolerated by street animals. It is impossible to say unambiguously: this is so or not. On the one hand, proper breed work implies breeding only strong, hardy and healthy animals. So many inherited diseases and genetic anomalies can be avoided. On the other hand, breeding breeds like Bengal cats often use close-kneed breeding because of the small population and the difficulties in introducing new genes. This adversely affects the health status, especially if the breeding is done by an irresponsible or illiterate person. Find more info at

Because Bengals are so intelligent and hungry for attention, they’re among the easiest cats to train. For example, it’s simple to teach a Bengal to play fetch. And one of the easiest tricks to teach a Bengal is how to turn on and off light switches. But use caution. Once a strong-willed Bengal learns how to do that, it might decide it wants to play with the switches all night long.

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Dog toys online shopping


Dog toys online store! If you love your pet then you will search for quality products to make his life happier. Cleaning the Kuranda bed is simple since it’s made out of vinyl. The material also handles a ton of repeated cleaning without becoming stretched out or discolored. This bed also doesn’t rust, so you can safely use it as an outdoor bed without worry. While you might love snuggling with your dog on your couch, sometimes you both want your separate space. Dogs love beds because it’s their own space and somewhere they can sit and relax. This will also save your furniture from the wear-and-tear that can come from your dog being on it at all hours.

Choosing a bed for our feline friend is a pretty difficult task to handle on our own. It is so fortunate for the cat owners that this issue has been taken seriously into consideration. OrthoComfort from Best Friends by Sheri is the perfect combination of comfort, coziness, and craftsmanship. It provides your kitty with a snug place to sleep in and adds to your home decor through its dashing looks. With generously filled bolsters all around, this is the absolute place for your cat or kittens to snug in, making it the best cat bed. And it is easy to wash directly in the washer. What else do you need?! Everyone knows that cats love to burrow themselves in cave-like places. They need to hide once in a while from the hectic world. And that’s when Petmaker Igloo super cheap cat bed comes into the picture. First of all, this cat bed is overloaded with cuteness. The foam filling along with soft material gives felines an ideal place to sleep. Moreover, it enhances the sense of security and privacy with its unique shape, making it your cat’s favorite snoozing place. Read extra details Dog Toys Online Store.

An outdoor cat bed will give your furry friend a safe spot out of the elements. The K&H Pet Products Outdoor Kitty House is a top choice in this category. The Outdoor Kitty House is made from 600 denier Nylon with a vinyl backing to provide water-resistance. Note that this outdoor cat house is more suited to covered areas, such as under a porch or in a garage. It does not hold up to rain or snow unless it’s covered with a tarp. There are two doors on either side of the house, allowing the cat to easily enter and exit. However, some people found that cats were wary of the doors and had to remove them at least temporarily. The doors and walls can all be easily attached or removed with hook-and-loop closure. The roof is attached by a zipper. Once in place, many people found this version of an outdoor cat bed to offer a comfortable spot out of the wind and weather for cats to hide out. It has been used with success on both domestic and feral cats. There is also a heated version available that will keep your cat warm and toasty during inclement weather. To give your cat an outdoor bed to lay in, choose a covered version like the Kitty House from K&H Pet Products.

Exercise is the primary reason why many dog owners invest in toys. Throwing a ball helps keep exercise rigorous and fun for both you and your dog. Exercise is a crucial part of having a healthy dog because, without adequate exercise, a dog can become obese and fall prey to many illnesses. Despite being “domesticated,” dogs can easily become bored. There is a saying that a “tired dog is a good dog,” and this is particularly true for working breeds such as border collies. Find extra details

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Bengal cat cattery


Bengal cats are awesome. If you are searching for a companion pet we believe that bengal kittens are a good choice. You won’t likely find a Bengal roaming the streets. This breed can cost anywhere from $500 to $5,000 for one cat, depending on the pedigree and whether the cat is fixed. There’s often a premium paid if breeding rights come with the cat. That being said, there are numerous Bengal rescue groups out there that can help you find a more affordable pet if you’re not picky about markings and age.

This is one fact about Bengal cats that few people believe until they have actually had personal experience with the breed. They are surprisingly similar to dogs. You’ll notice that they play the same kinds of games, and they also love to be taken out for regular walks. They won’t mind the leash either. While they do have these attributes, never forget these animals are felines and should be treated as such. Their tendency to make friends with dogs is one of the more interesting things about them. Although each cat is an individual, and it does depend on their experiences with dogs, many Bengals make great friends with family dogs. If the dog shows a Bengal the appropriate friendly behaviors, you may have two pals for life.

Once you welcome a Bengal cat to your home, you will not need to worry about calling the pest control services. The Bengal cats are in a position to provide much-needed support and assistance to you with taking control over pests. You will never be able to see any mice running around the kitchen. Instead, you will wake up to dead mice just outside the bedroom. Likewise, your Bengal cat will be able to help you with taking control over other types of pests as well. The Bengal have got soft fur as well. You will love the silky and soft texture of the Bengal cat as well. The spots that you can find on the Bengal cat are cool as well. They are one of the cutest types of cats that you can find out there as well. Now you are aware of all the good reasons available to think about welcoming a Bengal cat to your home. While keeping these facts in mind, you can go ahead and welcome a new Bengal cat to your home. Find additional details on Bengal cat Ontario.

Bengals do as a rule tend to be demanding and fairly high maintenance cats. They often bond strongly with their families and can be very demanding of their time and attention, which is just what many people want-but of course, this is not for everyone, and can drive some owners mad! If you don’t have time to devote to a Bengal every day,then it may not be the cat for you. Owning a Bengal can in many ways be more like owning a dog than a cat, as they will often follow you around the house, yell for attention and want to get involved in everything that you are doing-and they very much dislike being ignored!

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Best animal communicator services in Colorado


Searching for Canine massage services in Colorado? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). She also serves as a dog care and enrichment volunteer for Freedom Service Dogs, helping ease kennel stress by providing energy healing and massage, along with play time, puzzles and grooming.

Yes, it’s true. Giving your dog a massage is also good for you. Science has shown that petting animals actually improves the health of humans. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure and elevates our moods. This is why so many pet owners tend to be happier people! This is also why therapy animals are so important – science has shown that petting animals greatly improves the mental and physical health of people, regardless of whether or not they want to admit it.

Not all dog foods are created equal! That’s what a dog nutritionist is here to help you with. An online dog nutritionist is someone who fully understands the unique needs of each dog from a nutritional standpoint. They understand a large variety of dietary needs in each dog breed and can make appropriate reccomendations othelp your dog get, or stay, healthy for a long time! See extra info on Dog Nutritionist Online.

The intended benefits of Reiki are for physical healing, psychological treatment, and general wellness. It may relieve tension or alleviate fears, giving your dog a sense of peace. On top of that, some note that pain relief and rapid recovery result from treatment, aiding the body’s natural healing process. Whether it’s a behavioral disorder, injury, or arthritis, your dog’s malady may be helped by Reiki.

Reiki energy can be given to your dog in regularly scheduled intervals or as needed. Because it is a gentle and non-invasive energy modality, it can be used safely with any animal no matter the age, size or breed. Recently I provided Reiki for my client’s dog that was suffering from a chronic ear infection. The veterinarian prescribed some ear ointment that needed to be placed in both ears of their dog twice a day for two weeks. This can be a real challenge when a dog is not feeling well and doesn’t want you to touch it, let alone place a greasy ointment in its ears. I provided Reiki for their dog each day in order to support the dog’s physical healing as well as to provide a calming energy for their dog. This allowed their dog to stay calm during each of the twice-daily ointment treatments and their dog accepted them doing the treatments by lying still during these times.

Massage Works Wonders for Wilma: Former street dog Wilma had trouble calming down and relaxing when meeting new people, greeting guests and when experiencing new situations. “In January, 2017 Wilma was found with her two surviving puppies, living on the streets in Amarillo, Texas. All were brought to CO, and I adopted her in early February. We’ve been working on building confidence in new situations and building social skills with new people. While Wilma is benefiting from canine massage in that she’s learning to relax and be calm, Gillian’s work helped in other ways as well. Wilma has become much more confident, able to spend time with Gillian alone, without me and the other dogs present. Regular sessions have also helped Wilma be more confident in other situations where people are present in my home. On Thanksgiving, she actually jumped into someone’s lap. And she is engaged and excited to see new people, no treats necessary! Dog massage therapy has been a fabulous experience for me and Wilma.” Source:

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Animal psychic communication Denver


Searching for Pet Reiki services in Colorado? Meet Gillian, a certified Canine Therapeutic Massage Therapist (CTMT) Advanced Canine Massage Therapist (ACMT) and a member of International Association of Animal Massage & Body Works (IAAMB). She is working with other practitioners and the animal’s veterinarians to achieve optimal physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.

We all love petting our dogs, so why not turn it into a great massage session? Spending quality time with your dog (or each of your dogs, if you have more than one) is important to keep your bond strong. We want our dogs to trust us with their lives as we provide for them, so making them feel comfortable being around us is important. Even the most independent dogs wants to spend time with their humans, and most dogs love a good scratch or belly rub. Why not turn it into some quality massage time?

While most adult humans communicate verbally, animals communicate in a silent language. This type of communication is called telepathy, which means mentally sending and receiving messages with no use of sensory channels or physical interaction. It involves the direct transmission of feelings, emotions, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations and more. In this kind of communication you do not read body language or make guesses based on behavior. Animals are masters of telepathic communication. They speak to each other in this manner, and also attempt to speak to humans in the same way. Read extra info on Animal Psychic Communication.

The practitioner is not contributing or generating any energy on her own. She merely acts as a vessel through which Reiki can flow freely to its designated target. Anyone can become a practitioner by undergoing what is known as Reiki attunement. Here a Reiki Master channels special energies into the student, opening the way for the student to channel Reiki energy herself.

Another practical use for Reiki is to assist with separation anxiety that a dog may experience when you’re away from home and they’re left at home or boarded away from their home. Many of my clients use my Reiki services in this fashion, even if their dog is doing well otherwise. As a side benefit, knowing that their dog is calm while they are away, it helps ease the mind of the human companion while they’re traveling. When they arrive home, they find their dog to be well-adjusted and at ease. No longer do they worry about the dog’s routine being changed or any unexpected behaviors transpiring while they’re away. Providing Reiki on a regular basis for your dog will help your dog stay emotionally, mentally and physically strong and happy. Please keep in mind that Reiki is typically used as a complimentary therapy and is not a substitute for veterinary care if your dog is sick or injured.

While it’s sometimes difficult to communicate within our own species, this client was hitting a wall when it came to understanding what her dog and cat were trying to tell her. “Gillian is great and really knows how to connect to my loves!! She hit it right on the nail how my dog Roxie and cat Gracie interact with each other, and told me things that just confirmed how I read my own animals. It really is great to hear what your animals have to say. Next time I am lost with what they need or want, I will definitely reach out to her for a reading.” Source:

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