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Avi Kerendian or the ascent of a medical volunteers leader


Meet Avi Kerendian and some of his achievements: GGHTx is on a mission in changing lives through the power of global health. “Gracias” Global Health Trips, otherwise known as GGHTx, is a global health-oriented nonprofit organization/NGO that brings together young volunteers from medical and dental backgrounds to aid in intensive, week-long medical mission trips in rural villages throughout Latin America and Uganda. Led by Co-Founders Dr. Arash Hakhamian and Avi Kerendian, register for the volunteer experience of a lifetime!

Avi Kerendian is the Co-Founder and Program Director of GGHTx. GGHTx, also known as “Gracias” Global Health Trips, is an active public health non-profit improving global health in underserved, indigenous communities in Latin America and Uganda through community-based partnerships (CBO’s) with the end goal of fostering self-sufficiency.

Avi Kerendian latest project: GGHTx will help facilitate HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, and destigmatization by helping inspire leadership within local communities and schools in response to the recent rebound in HIV, especially amongst pediatrics. Mission: To provide volunteer efforts in the professional implementation of the project’s educational awareness and destigmatization HIV/AIDS model.

How about after finally arriving there you realize that the doctor has run out of the most basic medical supplies used to treat and evaluate your 2-month old baby who has been coughing in sheer pain for the last 3 days and likely has a severe case of pneumonia; something totally preventable and treatable with basic medicine, but without which can now be life-threatening. You are turned away and told to go back home. You now have no choice but to wait until next week – hoping and praying – that this time the doctor will not have run out of the medicine your child desperately needs.

Departure day is always bitter sweet for our volunteers! On your last Friday, make sure you collect all your belongings, get your letter of recommendation, and leave your anonymous feedback info. We take your feedback seriously—this helps us improve future volunteer mission trips and ensure a great experience! You are always welcome to extend your stay, otherwise we will have an organized group’s ride back to the airport on the following Sunday. Be respectful of your project’s ways of doing things. Accept that things may be done differently in this country and at this project. Understand the magic of your experience comes when you truly learn to enjoy the differences!

Previously an EMT-B before co-founding GGHTx, Avi Kerendian graduated magna cum laude with a degree in Biology and a concentration in Spanish from YU in New York. Awarded Dean’s List every semester, Avi Kerendian was also a competitive student-athlete and took part in competing on the NCAA Fencing Team (Weapon: Sabre) where he qualified for Competing in the NCAA Northeast Regional Fencing Championships. While in undergrad, Avi Kerendian was also the President of the Student Global Health Club which prompted his interest in GGHTx. Discover extra information at Avi Kerendian.

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Clap-Serv or the upsurge of a community service free marketplace


Clap-Serv or the ascent of a community service platform app? “What really turned me over is the empathy towards millions of talented freelancers and small service providers who can not afford to buy expensive subscriptions or able to give away heavy commissions.” What’s in it for Freelancers and Small Service Providers? minimize your search for the jobs!

Zero Commission & Zero Subscription Platform: We believe that the platform has to be commission or subscription free for all the community members. It inculcates the equal ground for every one and filled with Opportunity. All in all, the line between consumer and producer will fully blend here when this community collaborates and builds product and services for their own unique need. Whole lot of mass customization will be possible. It will create the ground of equal opportunity for every one and will bring true competitiveness in the Market.

Our vision is of free marketplace with true competitiveness and equal opportunity ground for every talented member of the society. The Idea has been shared by millions but none has worked through it so far. Clap-Serv is committed to bring such platform where small service providers, individuals and Freelancers can make their livelihood without being trapped through the jaws of commissions or subscription fee. Where the marketplace will serv their proposals and deals will not be based upon how much they pay to the platform owners. There will not be inequality and choosen few over large others who join these platforms for free because they do not have enough to buy subscriptions. Read more details on Clap-Serv.

Unlimited savings guaranteed! Why do you think a normal food from a restaurant costs you more than a small DHABA or from roadside food vendors? Yes, you picked up it right…..its an additional cost of that seating arrangement, ads, branding, sales….etc. Unlock the potential of this app in finding the right service provider for you. Your search for any of your unique service requirement ends here. Now post your unique service request and customize it with the help of images, video and document.

Can I ask for rental or property related Services? Yes, You can and find service provider per the location your looking for. Can I go source service in different Town or City? Yes, you can. While sending the request for your service choose other address and add a new one. As professional service provider, do i need to pay any subscription charge or commission? This app is free from any subscription charges or commission charges.

In the context of product/service generation and distribution network, the emergence of Clap-Serv will enable bidirectional information flow between individual consumers and communities around the world. It can transform traditional consumers into economically motivated prosumers, who not just consume services but also generate one. Clap-Serv is one such platform which will help manage the businesses carried out within the community. See even more info at Clap-Serv.

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How childhood changes relationships


Relationships guides and childhood influence? Those who are traumatised between 6 months and three years of age are more prone to have trouble forming healthy attachments with the people that they care for. Usually, this condition is referred to as RAD or reactive attachment disorder, which affects your ability to form adequate social relationships. RAD can impact everything from your mood to your behavior. It also makes it hard for those suffering from it to trust others. If you’re struggling with the darkness of an adverse childhood, the good news is that there are steps you can take to improve the quality of your life here and now. Don’t let the sins and struggls of your parents become your own. Take action and transform your life by learning how to find the help you need and create the life you’ve always wanted.

What Is a Love Catalyst? A catalyst is “an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action.” A love catalyst is the part of yourself that enhances your experience with a type of love. For example, self-love is catalyzed by the soul and affectionate love is catalyzed by the mind. Therefore, your catalyst is the agent that provokes the feeling of a certain type of love — we dive into this later. Since all types of love are catalyzed differently, each love affects us uniquely. Just like a bouquet of flowers where each bloom holds a different representation, types of love can have a similar effect.

Research suggests that positive family involvement contributes to a child’s academic success. You are your child’s first teacher, and your child is developing social skills through interactions with you and other family members and friends. Parent-child interactions are the foundation of a child’s social development, and when you are able to provide your child with reasons for your rules and values, they will be more likely to be socially active and open-minded.

According to psychologists, there are five types of love styles. First, the pleaser, who often grows up in a household with an overly protective or angry and critical parent. Second, the victim, who often grows up in a chaotic home with angry or violent parents and tries to be compliant in order to fly under the radar. Third, the controller, who grows up in a home where there wasn’t a lot of protection so s/he has learned to toughen up and take care of themselves. Fourth, the vacillator, who grows up with an unpredictable parent and develop a fear of abandonment. And fifth, the avoider, who grows up in a less affectionate home that values independence and self-sufficiency. See additional details at click here for the article.

When we are children, we look to our families, and the adults in our life to provide a safe space to learn, and grow into adulthood. Stability plays a major role in this development. Whether your childhood experiences were negative or positive, they can greatly affect your relationships as an adult. When it comes to trauma, the effects stay with you for a lifetime and it is important to address the trauma so you may learn to cope in your daily life. In this blog we discuss childhood trauma, how it may impact your relationships as an adult, and how to begin healing from those experiences.

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Who is Daniel Feerst and some of his achievements


Who is Daniel Feerst and some of his ideas? According to Daniel Freest, there are tons of good publications out there that serve as good avenues for you to get your work noticed and he is a publisher at is for Organizational development professionals.’s products and services provide you with the ability to help more employees, clients, or patients. In many cases, our products allow you to more easily reach family members and significant others as well.

Daniel Feerst owns and is President of DFA Publishing & Consulting, LLC and located near Charleston, South Carolina. He began his employee assistance career in 1978 as a Social Science Officer for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Occupational Alcoholism Program in Langley, VA. Since then, he has served as a staff member or director for some of America’s most well known Employee Assistance and Counseling Programs, including the Kennecott Copper INSIGHT Employee Assistance Program, the U.S. Department of Agriculture 22 Agency EAP Consortium, and Arlington County Government and Public Schools EAP in Arlington, VA. He has consulted with hundreds of small businesses on helping employees, intervening with substance addicted workers, and how to develop effective alcohol and drug policies.’s products and services provide you with the ability to help more employees, clients, or patients. In many cases, our products allow you to more easily reach their family members and significant others as well.

Daniel Feerst discusses the problems with improper management handling of employees with performance problems who drug and alcohol issues are evident in the workplace. Forced-choice agreements involve a supervisor telling the employee, says Feerst. For example, “telling an employee, ‘You need to get treatment for your alcoholism (or whatever) or we’re going to fire you’ is serious stuff. This is of course, is the supervisor making a diagnosis (and management therefore playing a medical role for which it is not qualified). This action violates one of the cardinal rules of effectively managing troubled employees— don’t diagnose! In such a scenario, most employees can convince supervisors this “diagnosis” is incorrect, or even pretend they have been motivated to accept help but fail to follow through. What most supervisors don’t know is that the employee has had 10-15 years of experience explaining away drinking problems before evidence of those problems finally appear in the workplace.

Daniel Feerst about the Little-Known Secrets to Getting Featured in Any Publication: The publishing enterprise — newspapers, magazines, and different media — is a tightly knit institution. What works on a few media stores received’t work on others. The largest component to don’t forget is to research to inform a fantastic tale. Corporate branding is a gold rush in San Francisco, as masses of start-ups learn to create their identities. These principles and those Clayton teaches in some of his non-public branding portions are vital for seeing increase on the Web. Have you been capable of get featured in a eBook by way of implementing any of these steps? Discover even more info at Dan Feerst.

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Accordini Igino La Cantina Italiana


Accordini Igino La Cantina Di Riferimento Per Lamarone Della Valpolicella? Per questo motivo la muffa viene definita nobile. Il Recioto di Accordini Igino è un vino prodotto con uve selezionate direttamente dalla pianta, le quali garantiscono la più alta qualità in assoluto. Per dare inizio alla fermentazione, i grappoli vengono poi fatti appassire su appositi graticci fino alla prima metà del mese di febbraio. Perché scegliere la Cantina Accordini Acquistare un vino proveniente dalla Cantina Accordini è sinonimo di passione e professionalità, caratteristiche fondamentali per una bevuta piacevole e memorabile.

In effetti oggi la distribuzione del prodotto costituisce un business di grande prestigio. La qualità eccelsa dei vitigni nostrani è nota anche a decine di migliaia di chilometri di distanza da noi, a latitudini in cui viene apprezzato il lavoro delle aziende italiane. A differenza di ciò che avviene in Italia, inoltre, in Cina non si può parlare di una tradizione vera e propria correlata al settore del vino; le varie bevande alcoliche che si trovano sul mercato vengono considerate prodotti secondari. Il governo locale, tuttavia, ha deciso di investire in modo consistente nella produzione del vino, ma ciò non ha comportato alcun problema per la crescita del mercato italiano.

Oggi, a distanza di quasi 200 anni, mi onoro di aver raccolto ed ereditato l’amore per il vino di Accordini Igino, insieme con mia moglie Liliana. Per questo, giorno dopo giorno riservo tutta la mia dedizione e tutto il mio impegno a mantenere in alto e vivi non solo il nome, ma soprattutto la tradizione della famiglia Accordini, sia in Italia che nel resto del mondo. Lo stile della cantina è un vero emblema del nostro Paese: la cantina Accordini ha deciso di aprire le proprie porte mettendo a disposizione un portafoglio di alcolici diversi tra loro ma accomunati da alti standard di qualità. Per averne conferma, è sufficiente dare un’occhiata alla lista dei vini che produciamo: tutti propongono il meglio della finezza che si possa desiderare. Scoprire Di Piu informazione sopra Accordini Igino.

Questo spiega il motivo per il quale la fase di ampliamento della cantina tiene sempre in considerazione gli standard di qualità molto rigorosi previsti da Igino. In più, alle spalle dei vini c’è un processo unico. I vini dell’azienda agricola Accordini Igino sono tutti il risultato di una raccolta appassionata, di una selezione meticolosa e di una lavorazione accurata. È possibile visitare la cantina? Certo che sì: invitiamo tutti gli appassionati a venire a visitare la nostra vigna e ad assaggiare i nostri vini nel corso del periodo della vendemmia. Aspettiamo tutti a braccia aperte con l’intento di mettere a disposizione di chiunque l’esperienza vinicola migliore possibile: quella, cioè, che può essere offerta da un produttore che vanta una secolare esperienza in questo mondo. Viticoltori entusiasti e degustatori attenti ai dettagli non potranno rimanere delusi dalla nostra cantina e dalla nostra passione per il buon vino.

Perché scegliere “Accordini Igino”: Il rispetto dell’ambiente naturale è solo uno dei tanti punti di forza che contraddistinguono il modus operandi dell’azienda agricola “Accordini Igino”, che può contare su vitigni di qualità e, soprattutto, sulla capacità di instaurare con il territorio di elezione un legame unico e impossibile da scalfire. Le uve vengono prodotte con una notevole attenzione all’utilizzo delle risorse, badando sia all’impatto ambientale che alla riduzione dei prodotti chimici utilizzati. Guido Accordini è consapevole delle conseguenze economiche che l’allarme sanitario del coronavirus innescherà, ma non esprime una particolare preoccupazione per il marchio. L’avvento della pandemia, come si può facilmente intuire, ha bloccato tutto ma non ha arrestato il consumo di vicino. Trova Di Piu Informazioni sopra Accordini Igino.

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Get to know Marvelous and some of his best songs


Who is Rapper Marvelous and some of his work? Marvelous’s summer performance tour in 2017, included performances and stage appearances at South by South-West Music Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, with his debut single “Bet on Your Life”. Shutting down stages from New York City, Texas, Vermont, and Boston all the way to the Dominican Republic, Marvelous was soon recognized by his unique flow, free styling ability, and memorable ad-libs. Soon on his way to success, he continues to conquer and devour every obstacle in his way.

His talent for weaving words came to surface at the age of eleven, winning him an award for creative writing, as well as others for poetry and creative writing achievements throughout his academic career. His following has gained tremendous momentum throughout the world of social media with over 30 thousand followers and an Instagram presence that has made Marvelous a social commodity. “Never Stop”, Artist Leo Marines (born July 2nd,1991) professionally known as Marvelous Rapper, is an American Rapper, and Song Writer. Born in Queens, New York, his family originates from the Dominican Republic.

Marvelous was also among in the top 100 contestants for Funk Volume’s, Don’t Funk Up Our Beats Music Video Contest, hosted by Hopsin. Shutting down stages from New York City, Texas, Vermont, and Massachusetts all the way to the Dominican Republic, Marvelous was soon recognized by his unique flow, free styling ability, and memorable ad-libs. Soon on his way to success, Marvelous continues to conquer and devour every obstacle in his way.

Marvelous can also be seen on Instagram regularly flaunting large amounts of money. He uses this as a motivation tactic to remind himself and his followers of the rewards that await those who dare to pursue their dreams. Marvelous hopes he can show through his success, that if you really put your all into whatever you are passionate about, you can achieve greatness.

Marvelous also has quite a keen eye on for fashion. While he does like to shop at big name brands such as Louie Vuitton and Gucci, he prefers to support small local business in order to build his own unique personal brand. “When people see me, I want them to remember me. I don’t want to fade into the culture, I want to stand out” – Marvelous. Marvelous continues to bring the heat this summer with his new single, “Never Stop”, dropping on all major music platforms July 29th, 2020. The music video for this new single will also be dropping this summer. To can keep up with Marvelous follow him on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter at ( @ImMrMarvel ). See even more details at Rapper Marvelous.

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