Solar energy, making the world a better place
Lets post about Grid-tied solar panel systems. The potential of solar energy is beyond imagination. The surface of the earth receives 120,000 terawatts of solar radiation (sunlight) – 20,000 times more power than what is needed to supply the entire world. An abundant and renewable energy source is also sustainable. Sustainable energy sources meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In other words, solar energy is sustainable because there is no way we can over-consume.
Is solar power really expensive? This is probably the most debatable aspect on the entire solar energy pros and cons list. The driving forces behind the development of solar energy are rooted in politics. Solar power is incentivized to compete against other energy sources on the market. On the other hand, the U.S. government, similarly to the rest of the world, provides incentives to every major energy production market – not just solar.
In December 2015 the US Senate passed an extension to the 30% Renewable Tax Credit, extending this tax credit for a further 8 years. In addition to this federal tax credit, there are also rebates available in some jurisdictions at either the state, county or utility company level. If you use the solar panel calculator here you can see what rebates, tax credits and other incentives your house is entitled to based on its location, the utility company you are with and the number of solar panels you need to power your home.
Solar panels (also known as photovoltaic panels) are installed on your home. The solar panels convert light (photons) into electricity (voltage). Each panel is connected to a microinverter that changes the electric current from DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current). Each microinverter operates independently of the others so that if one stops working your system is still generating maximum power. The microinverters are also connected to a communication hub that is connected to the internet. Information is sent to our monitoring system that allows us, and you, to know when one of your microinverters is not working properly. The software allows you to see how much energy you are generating and how much you are using.
The typical solar panel installation takes one to three days. Obviously, larger systems will take a little longer. After the solar panels are installed the utility company will come out to change out the electric meter. Depending upon the utility company, it can take one to three months for the utility company to do their part and turn on the solar energy system.
Because the time, tasks and equipment involved in each project can vary greatly we prefer to see each project in person to give a detailed quote. By doing a site visit we can ensure that we are giving you an all-inclusive price quote. Additionally, when we are able to give you an accurate price quote we can also tell you exactly how long it will take for you to see a return on your investment. See more info on Green energy for you, less emissions for the planet.
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