Autism information advices for fathers
Autism information guide for mothers? Apps are an accessible and fairly inexpensive way to use technology. Apps may motivate students on the autism spectrum as they present information in ways that support their visual learning style. Apps have been found to be effective in helping children on the autism spectrum learn language, literacy and numeracy skills. Apps can also be used to create schedules, checklists and language cards. The Learning App Guide to Autism and Education provides parents with reviews for a number of apps grouped by skill areas and age groups. A parent can select the literacy group, for instance, and find apps for teaching spelling to children in lower primary grades.
ASD students perform well when they participate in routine and repetitive activities. However, if that routine deviates, these students may have problems adapting, which can lead to behavioral, academic or mood problems. In fact, even being confronted with the possibility of change can be anxiety-inducing for these children. When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990, it recognized that because of the special challenges people with disabilities face, they need special legal protections to ensure they are treated fairly and not taken advantage of because of their condition. What this means for ASD students is that a host of legal rights ensure that they can enjoy the same educational opportunities that other students do.
Music helps regulate the brain’s activity and is found to be of much help to these individuals with Autism. Thus, listening to it frequently and with the right music played, it helps increase their behavior and function. Playing it in the background while doing other chores is good, so a good wireless speaker should come in handy. Sports have proven to be effective in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Involving in sports not only helps them cope with their general health and well-being, but it also helps them cope with sensory processing issues and eventually a change in social adaptation. See additional info at Mike Alan.
When it comes to improving communication with an autistic child, they need ample opportunities to learn. While your child may not be able to verbal express themselves, they do want to communicate with you. Make sure to take the time to talk with them, every chance you can. During conversations, be sure to take pauses in the moments that they would typically respond. Make sure though not to try to force communication during times of distress.
Compare this, however, with what it might be like to have children with motor planning or social challenges that limit their participation in sports, to never being invited to birthday parties, or to dealing with stares and snickering from other children when you go out for pizza. When you post in an effort to commiserate with other parents, consider the benefits of building community with parents of neurotypical children against the costs of possibly alienating your friends with autistic children; is this a problem your friends with autistic children would “love” to have (e.g., “my child talks all the time!”) or is it perhaps one they can sympathize with (e.g., a scare at the doctor’s office)? Your friends with autistic children probably recognize you have legitimate struggles, but if you do the work of weighing and comparing what you face and the daily struggles they face, that work will show.
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