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The upsurge of a business executive and artist : Moshe Reuven Sheradsky


There are numerous Youtube “stars”, Twitch celebrities and so on. Almost all devoid of any substance, adding nothing of value, unable to show off any achievements. But still they are regarded as stars, celebrities or influencers. The nature of my business makes me read frequently, explore a lot and connect with many people. Therefore, i gained a relatively broad picture of what is on the offer today in the world’s “famous” people area.

Every so often, but not very often, new people appear that set themselves apart from the wannabe stars. They have charisma, ideas and what’s extremely important, they have achieved and constructed something that you can see, something that works. They are not only words and charming pictures. And what is even more awesome is that the age doesn’t even matter. On top of that true value overflows the specialization barriers.

Like, for example, Moshe Reuven, the CEO of tech startup called Wedu. This young man is what you would get mixing genes from Bill Gates, Kanye West, Andy Warhol and Dalai Lama. I said before, age doesn’t matter if you work hard and you are gifted. Consequently, we have a tech startup CEO, who writes for Huffington Post and Forbes, inspires young Jewish people with a deep understanding of the world, an artist and musician signed with A&R agents for Universal Music Group, Def Jam Records, & Island Records.

I believe this qualifies as a genuine raising star, a non-hollow celebrity on whom you can look up with trust and gain inspiration from. Moshe Reuven Sheradsky has 1 million followers on Instagram @moshesheradsky , isolated this number doesn’t says too much but when we add it to the bigger picture then you have a coherent picture of something of true value.

His company Wedu has been tipped by Inc Magazine as one of the fastest growing companies in America, Forbes Tech Council member in 2018 & 2019 and writing on Huffington Post, also a gifted musician and wisdom teacher, Moshe Reuven Sheradsky is a member of the Chassidic movement. Jewish people’s latest arising star? I think he qualifies for that title.

Moshe Reuven brand and business witnesses a continuous growth and this could be a reason why Moshe plans to reopen the gates of opportunity for investors to capitalize by investing in the Moshe Reuven Brand & Wedu. Certainly a personality and business to keep an eye on.

Therefore let’s get back to what initiated this article. Do you want to follow someone? Do you want to gather inspiration from someone? Maybe we should try to separate celebrity balloons that contains nothing from truly innovators that deliver ideas, art and build something in to our world.

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Web solutions tricks to improve your business


Market research for Vancouver: Market research done right, wrong or not done at all does make the difference between a solid profitable business, a lucky business that fails after the first bad market situation or businesses that fail from the start. Market research is very important for businesses to mark and ping their target customers and increase their profits. This research also helps firms to figure out marketing and advertising fundamentals such as value propositions, tag lines, pricing, metrics and other.

Bad market research or lack of market research can be very costly. If you target on market segment but design a product that fits outside of that segment you end up with a big failure. Like, for example, Arch Deluxe burger from McDonald’s. The target market was grownups, and market research had indicated that adults wanted a burger designed for them. One potential problem may have been that the adults surveyed did not fit the real McDonald’s market. That mistake was very costly.

A solid first step in market research should be analyzing the viability of your business idea in a geographical location through an in-depth analysis of various factors, including the estimated outreach of your business, client demographics, current local competitors and customer traffic.

What’s the benefit of investing in top quality Web Design Service? A clean web page design can significantly increase the time that your customers stay on your page. A cluster of distractive pictures and texts can easily make your web page boring to the viewers. A clean design will help your customers focus on more valuable contents like your business branding and quality products. Great usability and effective navigation can easily enhance user experience of your website. Your website should be able to navigate back and forth through the webpages fluently and easily with internal links or your customers may never return.

Established by a group of creative professionals in 2014, Quantasphere Solutions is an innovative business and technology company focused on providing effective and precise solutions in business, web, software and hardware development. At our core, we are a service company created to address the various challenges entrepreneurs and business owners encounter in every facet of their business development. Whether it may be creating a framework to get a business idea off the ground, formulating a marketing campaign to expand customer outreach, modernizing an outdated business practice with technology, or translating a product design into a working prototype, we are able to provide tailored solutions to our clients’ every business need. Discover even more details on Business solutions provider in Vancouver.

Market research is always part of the bigger plan, let’s call it the business plan. The executive summary for a business plan should include your business name and location, products and/or services offered, mission and vision statements and the specific purpose of the plan (to secure investors, set strategies, etc.). Company description is high-level view of your business that should explain who you are, how you operate and what your goals are.

Product and services are the core components of a business and market analysis is optimizing the costs and product workflow. Strategy and implementation for sales and marketing , organizational structure, financial plans and projections are all part of the business plan.

Branding is an incubating process that sets the 5Bs of business: The Brand Style, Brand Values, Brand Personality, Brand Voice, and Brand Strategy. Branding is a process of creating the soul of a company to help businesses recognize themselves and add qualitative values to the business. A great brand specialist is like a wizard creating innovative and unique characteristics to an entity. On the other hand, marketing is an ongoing process from setting goals, to study competition, from addressing a target audience to measurement & analysis of each campaign. Marketeer is like a tactician, studying the trend in their market, in their competitors, and in their customers to come up with the most suitable Game Plan. Read more information on the Quantasphere blog.

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Private TOTO site recommendation from Totosite Live


Advices for safe TOTO website by Totosite Live: The safe TOTO websites provides you the best websites for online Sports Betting in Korea and around the world. Learn the best sports betting services for the Korean bettor from local sportsbooks to offshore sports betting websites. At this time, you can find no actual laws against doing this. What the law states in its present form doesn’t apply to internet gambling, but it’s simple to imagine someone in government deciding otherwise. The South Korean government has been quite supportive in promoting sports in its country, and it’s participated in promotional campaigns for the growth of new sports technology and awareness, for example, funding of all kinds of sports campaigns.

Sports betting today is far more sophisticated than it has ever been in its entire history. Today, the number of different sports which you can bet on 24 hours a day is easily triple that of the sports variety available a few decades ago. In order to be truly successful, the modern digital sports bettor really has to know the ins and outs of all sports, particularly those with bigger, expanded markets. While many betting types are available across multiple sports, each sport has its own set of rules and conventions which must be followed. Adopting a sports strategy is the ideal way to enhance your overall sports betting strategy and will help you to get more out of the sport you choose to bet in. Our easy to follow sports strategy guides are designed to help you gain the knowledge and insights needed to become a successful, all-round sports bettor.

Now, if you’re a savvy bettor familiar with teasers, a light bulb might have just turned on in your head. If not, don’t worry, you’re likely overwhelmed and need more time to adjust. To determine if a teaser is a better option than a straight bet, we need to know if those six additional points increases the win probability by 19.73% or not. We now know that when betting three team teasers at +180, we need each team to win 70.95% of the time. To determine if it was better to bet straight against the spread or in a teaser, let’s compare. If we bet straight at a reduced juice sportsbook such at 5dimes, we’d pay -105. To calculate our required break even rate at -105, we use the risk divided by return formula again. A $105 bet returns $205 (our $105 stake plus $100 win), so the math is 105/205=0.5122, which is 51.22%. The difference between the 70.95% break even rate in a teaser and the 51.22% betting straight with reduced juice is 19.73%. Read additional details at

Lastly with online betting it is easy to get carried away and bet more than you can afford. Always make sure you gamble responsibly. If you have a gambling problem or know someone who does, please get help. Visit Gamblers Anonymous today to learn more about getting help with your sports betting or gambling problem. Wow, 2019 flew by and was a great year in sports overall. We enjoyed a lot of success with the free picks here at website and have grown our great team of handicappers. 2019 is shaping up to be a great year with new experts joining the team and a new website to launch early in the year. We will continue to grow our Daily Fantasy Sports section of the website, which has really taken off in the last year. We are looking forward to helping you have a successful and enjoyable 2019!

For our korean guests:

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메이저공원 1위. 놀라울 정도로 보안이 강한 토토사이트로 검증되었숩니다 저희뿐만 아니라 메이저사이트로 인정을 하고 있는 검증사이트들이 꽤 많다는 것을 쉽게 아실 수 있습니다 먹튀검증에 있어서 이런 보안을 유지하고 있는 배팅사이트는 언제나 추천에 즐거움을 느끼게 됩니다 약간의 실수도 있을 수 없는 검증사이트의 추천임을 꼭 생각하시기 바랍니다. 먹캅스는 안전합니다.

안전토토사이트 1위 오직 정직함과 안전함만이 존재하는 토토사이트 “샹그리라”입니다 메이저 중에서도 초특급 메이저사이트로서 이미 모든 먹튀검증사이트들이 상위 랭킹에 올렸습니다 유저들의 인기도도 좋은 편에 속합니다 배팅사이트의 메이저놀이터라고 하면 이 정도의 수준은 보이고 유저들을 맞아하여야만 옳을 것입니다 사설사이트의 문제점을 잘 극복한 곳이니 맘 놓고 가입하세요.

메이저사이트 1위 먹튀검증 1위 업체 “먹캅스가 인정하는 안전놀이터 “나누미”입니다 성공적인 토토 배팅을 할 수 있는 몇 안되는 안전한 놀이터입니다 함부로 토토사이트를 추천하지 않기로 유명한 먹캅스가 추천했다는 것 하나만으로도 이미 이 사이트는 대단한 검증을 받아서 메이저토토사이트의 반열에 올랐다고 볼 수 있습니다 먹튀사이트는 아예 근처에도 올 수 없는 검증사이트입니다.

더 이상 잘나가는 토토사이트는 절대 없다! 먹튀검증 만점으로 통과한 메이저사이트가 바로 “드리미”입니다 먹튀사이트에 대해서 공포를 느끼고 계신 분들이라면 적극 추천하고 싶은 퍼펙트 안전놀이터 안전공원입니다 자물쇠 보안을 유지하고 있어서 혹시나 생길 수 있는 안전에 대한 사고도 미리미리 예방하고 있는 곳입니다 1위 토토사이트의 진면목을 구경하실 수 있습니다 왜 메이저사이트가 되었는지, 왜 먹튀검증에서 최고의 평점을 받았는지에 대해서도 아주 간단히 설명됩니다. 믿음을 주는 놀이터추천. 이 웹 사이트에서 안전하게 플레이 먹튀검증.

사설토토 배팅을 하는 분들에게는 안전놀이터 정보를 매우 중요하게 다루게 됩니다 그렇다면 어는 토토사이트가 안전놀이터인지를 명쾌하게 설명해주는지를 알려주는 곳을 알고 계신가요? 아니면 아직도 계속 어디가 좋을까? 해메고 계신가요? 이 모든 물음에 대한 정답은 단 하나! “먹캅스”뿐입니다.

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You must see Bahamas at least once and holidays suggestions


What can you see in Caribbean Bahamas and travel recommendation : These peaceful islands are dotted with sleepy fishing villages and secluded beaches, and flourishing coral reefs rim many of their shores. The other islands all offer something for discerning travelers. From the big game fishing of Bimini, and the pink sand beaches of Harbour Island, to bonefishing, regattas, and uncrowded outer cays, it’s hard to beat the Bahamas. For those visiting around the New Year, don’t miss the throbbing drums and kaleidoscopic costumes of Junkanoo, the nation’s most popular festival.

Garden of the Groves is the best escape for those searching for tranquillity, nature, and beauty. The 12-acre park is dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Groves, the couple that founded Freeport in 1973. The Garden features exotic plants and flowers, waterfalls, Bahamian birds, and other wildlife. There is also an Arts and Crafts Center at the Garden, a gift shop, cafe, and chapel ideal for intimate weddings. For family fun, there is a kid’s playground and zoo where children can interact with pigs and goats. The Peterson Cay National Park, the only cay on Grand Bahama’s leeward shore, is a one-and-a-half-acre geological wonder. The protected area is home to one of the most beautiful reefs in the Bahamas, which is excellent for those who want to swim with Bahamian marine life and explore the turquoise waters. The cay is also perfect for bird watching, picnics, and relaxation.

Recreating the legend of Atlantis in a luxury hotel, Water Park, aquarium and an entertainment complex this salmon-pink structure dominates the skyline of Paradise Island. If you have travelled all the way to the Bahamas, there is no way you can miss this unique tourist attraction featuring wide expanse of adventure, high speed slides, open air pools, swimming areas, tranquil river rides and multitude of shops, restaurants and entertainment avenues. Read extra details at Bahamas Travel Agency.

One of Nassau’s oldest streets remains a popular tourist attraction, with many visitors choosing to explore the area on foot. You can also take a horse-drawn carriage ride of Parliament Street, enabling you to chat to a friendly local driver who really knows about the history of the area. Feast your eyes on Parliament Street’s fabulous old buildings and enjoy an interesting day out exploring one of the lesser-known areas of the Bahamas.

Make the most with your significant other during a Bahamian getaway. What can be better than crystal-blue water lapping up against the sugary-white shores? Spend the day with your partner or go on an adventurous jaunt- the Bahamas is ideal when it comes to sensual escape. Make your tables groan with the delectable Bahamian cuisine. An eclectic fusion of exclusive ingredients like mouthwatering seafood, delicious tropical fruits and whole variety of exotic spices- Bahamian food is sure to take the foodie in you for a joyride! And if you prefer fine-dine, there are quite a number of posh restaurants that serve unique, traditional Bahamian dishes alongside other global cuisines.

Our unwavering commitment coupled with our focus on service and consistency aligns seamlessly with Harvard Vacations. Our commitment to superior customer service is what we strive for. If you have any queries regarding embarkation, the journey, etc, we gladly answer them all. It’s always a pleasure to deliver extraordinary experiences so we feel great to receive emails and testimonials from our customers letting us know how amazing their vacation was and knowing that we helped to create ever-lasting memories. Harvard Vacations, travel trip planner is dedicated to offering our passengers the opportunity to escape completely and we ensure you get the best value for your Bahamas cruise vacation. See extra info at

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Obtain even more Twitch followers


Obtain lots of Facebook page likes: A clip, when added to a playlist, has a higher chance of being displayed. You can add every YouTube clip to a playlist. Also use end-capture cards: Annotations on YouTube are no longer available. These have been replaced with the final captures, at the end of each video, add end screens to encourage the audience to watch other clips of yours. Share the video now on social networks: You can post the video on social networks. The traffic advantage will be just for the moment. It is one of the practices that everyone uses. It can help you depending on the quality of your material. You can from time to time share your video in the timeline of the Facebook page.

Create a compelling channel description: This appears on your channel’s About tab, or when users place their mouse over your channel icon on any watch page. You have up to 1,000 characters to create a compelling brand promise for your YouTube channel, letting viewers know why they should care about the videos you’re posting, what you have to offer, and how often they can expect to see new content. Showcase your quality content with a channel trailer: A channel trailer is a short video shown to all new visitors to your channel page. It’s a great way to show what kind of content you create, highlight some of the benefits you provide, and give viewers a chance to subscribe. You can learn all about creating an effective channel trailer in the YouTube Creator Academy. Find a few more details at cheap Youtube views.

You want to improve your Youtube channel or to raise the views of your videos and you don’t know how? Here are some tricks about how to get more Youtube viewers and subscribers. A keyword-rich title will allow YouTube algorithms to find the video easier, but will also help potential viewers to realize if that’s what they’re looking for. Basically, optimizing the titles with keywords means informing both the search engine and the users what your video is all about! Pro Tip: Our advice is to stick to those of minimum 1000 searches per month! But, that’s not the only factor that you should take into consideration. You also need to make sure that the competition for those keywords is low by searching for them on YouTube! Otherwise, you won’t be able to beat your rivals. Once you’re done with the keyword research, it’s time to put them in the titles and descriptions of your videos!

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This is a majorly under-utilized Instagram hack to growing your following – and one you should definitely try out for 2020! Instagram offers up a “Suggested for you” list when you visit an Instagram profile – you just have to click the downward arrow underneath the account’s bio: Instagram curates this list of Instagram profiles based on your interests, who you follow, but also based on that account’s activity. For example, if you click on the Suggested for you button on Later’s profile, you may find accounts like Instagram for Creators, Canva, Your Social Team and Over – all brands that we regularly engage and communicate with. The Instagram algorithm can tell that we have a relationship with these brands and thinks that they would be of interest to anyone who follows Later.

When the opportunity presents itself, aligning your content with trending topics or hashtags can improve discoverability and engagement. For example, you can ride the wave of a trending topic or event, such as a holiday, in a relevant way to boost your engagement and reach. Or you can participate in one of the many hashtag holidays that exist, such as #NationalCoffeeDay (falling on October 1st in 2018). Mark relevant events in your calendar so you can prepare relevant content in advance. Be sure to join the conversation in a meaningful way and when in doubt, ask yourself if your target audience would actually pay attention to the trend.

Free Instagram views with growth advices? Nothing sparks conversation more than a good AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Instagram Stories. And while influencers have been known to use the Instagram Stories question sticker to help their followers get to know them more, there’s no reason why you can’t do the same for your business.It’s a great opportunity for your followers to get to know your brand better, or get more information about your products. On the flipside, it’s a great place for you to ask your followers some questions. You could spark a conversation about your next season’s color palette, or what product lines they’d like to see more of. Discover additional info at

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Top Bitcoin to Moneygram services


Top Ethereum to Bank services? ChangeNOW is a registration-free instant cryptocurrency exchange platform for limitless crypto conversions. ChangeNOW has been on the market for more than a year now and has earned a reputation for reliable service with great rates. The exchange platform does not require account creation, processing fast transactions for more than 170 cryptos, as well as fiat-to-crypto purchases. ChangeNOW stays honest with its customers and collects no hidden or inflated fees. The timing of the transaction remains rather short. Depending on the transaction volume, the processing speed can take as little as 2 minutes.

Don’t chase cheap coins with dreams of lambos and private jets. Lots of uneducated investors in the crypto space buy low priced cryptocurrencies because they think there is a higher chance of big returns. If presented with one coin priced at $0.01 and another at $75, they blindly purchase the $0.01 coin because they think it’s easier for a coin to go from $0.01 to $0.02, rather than from $75 to $150. This is a common trap. There are lots of factors that affect a coin’s price, including two important ones: the circulating supply and the real world value of the coin.

Cryptocurrency is hot in 2019, a market that offers huge profit making possibilities. But it’s also extremely risky so before you jump in it’s better to be informed. Here are a few tips if you want to purchase cryptocurrency online in 2019. To begin investing in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies you first need to with an exchange which will offer you to buy cryptocurrency with cash. An exchange is basically an website that offers anyone to buy and sell Bitcoin as well as any other cryptocurrency that they have listed.

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If you’ve already got a strategy that works, then a cryptocurrency trading robot may be worth considering. Once you’ve programmed your strategy, the bot will get to work, automatically executing trades when the pre-determined criteria are met. There are two benefits to this. Firstly, it will save you serious time. You won’t have to stare at charts all day, looking for opportunities. Trade execution speeds should also be enhanced as no manual inputting will be needed. Secondly, automated software allows you to trade across multiple currencies and assets at a time. That means greater potential profit and all without you having to do any heavy lifting. Having said that, bots aren’t all plain sailing. If you want to avoid losing your profits to computer crashes and unexpected market events then you will still need to monitor your bot to an extent.

Launched quite recently in December 2017, CoinEx has its headquarters in Hong Kong, and aims to build a highly secure, user-friendly, low cost and high-speed cryptocurrency platform to trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies by using its proprietary trade matching system. It supports multiple languages and accepts users from more than 100 countries. CoinEx exchange is not registered with any legislation yet. To learn more about CoinEx tools and fees visit Cryptimi’s CoinEX full review. CoinEx offers the basic 2FA option to protect the customers’ funds. Moreover, it uses security factors like multi-signature strategy and HTTPS to provide full-dimension protection for the customer’s funds and data protection. See even more information on

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