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Os arrondissements de Paris: Como se localizar pela cidade – Paris guide


Paris e uma das cidades europeias com o maior numero de mercados de rua, ou feiras livres como chamamos no Brasil. Nesses mercados voce encontrara tudo, mas alguns deles sao dedicados a um tema como arte, produtos organicos ou ate mesmo flores. Selecionei para voce os melhores mercados de rua em Paris para voce visitar durante a sua viagem.

Rue des Francs Bourgeois : No coracao de Le Marais, a Rue des Francs Bourgeois e o melhor lugar para fazer compras Paris aos domingos. Ha muitas boutiques de roupas femininas, para a familia, Lojas de decoracao e produtos de beleza. Tem absolutamente tudo que voce precisa e numa localizacao central. Voce vai encontrar todas as lojas queridinhas dos parisienses, como Maje and Ba&Sh.

Marche Bio Raspail: o mercado de alimentos organicos: Localizado no 6 arrondissement, este e um mercado de produtos organicos, ou bio como os franceses chamam. Ao ar livre, e o mercado de rua mais antigo e o mais famoso de Paris. Nele voce vai encontrar produtos incriveis, como queijos, frutas e, tambem flores e produtos de beleza. Tudo 100% organico. Mesmo que esse mercado seja um pouco mais caro que os outros, vale a pena, pelo menos so para dar um passeio.

Esse monumento fica fora de Paris, mas a sua historia faz com que seja um dos monumentos mais visitados da regiao, considerado como uma visita obrigatoria para quem passa pela capital. O Castelo, construido a partir de 1623 (sob Luis XIII, ate entao uma pequena cabana de caca), e um dos monumentos mais visitados da regiao. Lar de muitos reis da Franca, de Luis XIII a Luis XVI, o local e uma das mais belas testemunhas da historia pre e pos-Revolucao Francesa. Para a visita a Versailles, se voce nao quiser passar metade do seu dia em uma longuissima fila, e imprescindivel ja levar seu ingresso. Passagem aerea barata para Paris e a Franca: como encontrar.

Esse e um dos pratos mais tradicionais quando se pensa no que comer em Paris. A versao moderna desta sopa originou-se em Paris, no seculo XVIII. A sopa e feita a partir de caldo de carne e cebola cortada em fatias muito finas e caramelizadas. Leva tambem um pouco de manteiga, vinho branco, tomilho fresco e folhas de louro. Tudo isso coberto com uma torrada e queijo Gruyere gratinado. Uma delicia!

Localizado no MotorVillage (um famoso showroom de carros italianos), o NoLita e um restaurante chique e que talvez seja um dos restaurantes mais romanticos de Paris. Em frente os Champs-Elysees e tambem tem vista para a Torre Eiffel. O interior e decorado em preto e branco, que lhe da uma vibracao minimalista e moderna, perfeita para uma refeicao romantica.

Um bom lugar para comprar vinhos em Paris, a Ma Cave Fleury e um tanto emblematica. Ela fica situada na Rue Saint Denis, no 2eme arrondissement, bem no coracao de Paris. Para quem nao conhece, essa rua e uma conhecida e tradicional zona de prostituicao de Paris. Mas, nada para se assustar. O lugar e seguro, bem no centro de Paris, e chega a ser pitoresco.

Localizado numa das melhores areas para se fazer compras na margem esquerda, o Le Bon Marche foi a primeira loja de departamentos de Paris e do mundo. Serviu de inspiracao para Au bonheur des dames, o famoso romance de Emile Zola. Esta luxuosa loja de departamentos esta localizada no 7º arrondissement, a apenas 20 minutos a pe da Torre Eiffel. A loja passou por uma grande reforma a alguns anos, e e uma verdadeira joia! A moda, seja para a casa ou uso pessoal, e de vanguarda. Aqui tambem voce vai encontrar uma livraria e um cafe escondidos no ultimo andar.

Encontrar um hotel barato em Paris e possivel. Quando se planeja uma viagem para Paris os custos de passagem aerea e hotel sao os que mais pesam. Aperta daqui, aperta dali, nem sempre se consegue cortar o custo na passagem aerea, entao acaba sobrando tentar pagar menos na hospedagem. Nao e tarefa das mais faceis encontrar um hotel barato em Paris, mas da para encontrar um hotel que caiba no bolso. Tudo vai depender do que voce esta diposto a abrir mao na sua viagem.

Como opcao de Hotel com vista para Torre Eiffel, o First Hotel Paris Tour Eiffel se apresenta como um hotel de design contemporaneo estrategicamente localizado entre o Champ de Mars e a Esplanade Jacques Chaban-Delmas. Esta localizacao ideal o coloca apenas a 10 minutos a pe da Torre Eiffel e de outras atracoes, como o Tumulo de Napoleao e o Le Musee des Armees. Cada um dos modernos quartos com ar condicionado dispoe de TV’s de tela plana e de Wi-Fi gratuito.

Bem-vindo a Paris que vemos nos cartoes postais, que e mostrada nos filmes americanos e que os turistas de todo o mundo sonham visitar um dia. Sim, voce adivinhou, nos estamos falando da colina de Montmartre. E uma delicia dar um passeio ao longo das vielas encantadoras com casinhas e jardins, cafes parisienses com charme vintage e decoracao unica. Na Place du Tertre os pintores desenham retratos para turistas que passeiam pelos mesmos lugares que artistas como Picasso, Cezanne, Van Gogh e Renoir. Aqui tambem e importante ter pernas fortes e bom folego, afinal Montmartre fica em uma colina. Se voce precisar subir todo o caminho para chegar ao seu hotel ou apartamento, pode ser complicado se estiver fora de forma. Mas vale a pena o sacrificio por causa do lugar, com uma certa atmosfera rural, aqui o ar parece mais limpo e fresco do que no centro de Paris. No verao, certifique-se de nao perder o por do sol sobre a cidade visto da pracinha em frente a Sacre Coeur. A vista e de tirar o folego! O preco dos hoteis nao fica entre os mais baratos, mas e possivel encontrar algumas barganhas pela area.

Outro local que faz parte do Patrimonio Mundial da Unesco e um dos mais famosos castelos da Franca e o Chateau de Fontainebleau. Ele tornou-se um icone da historia francesa, proporcionando residencia a uma serie de monarcas como Luis VII e Napoleao III. Ele esta localizado dentro de uma linda floresta, e e cercado por extensos jardins planejados. Uma viagem de trem de 45-minutos saindo da Gare de Lyon, seguida por uma breve caminhada ou viagem de onibus, e voce chega la. Ou voce pode contratar um passeio guiado.

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Traits to identify sensitive person


Signs you can be a sensitive personality type (HSP) : When you are hungry, your blood sugar drops, and you can’t concentrate. Moreover, you might even feel dizzy until you eat something. That is how the body works typically but if you find yourself hungry often, research tells that you might be a sensitive person. Well, this is a general sign not necessarily indicating anything, but if you get agitated or triggered by the silliest horror scene, you are probably sensitive.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you know someone in your personal or professional life who may be highly sensitive? High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external (social, environmental) or internal (intra-personal) stimuli. A highly sensitive person may be an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Identifying your real feelings is an important first step in overcoming emotional sensitivity. Determine whether you are feeling disappointed, sad, angry, or something else. Once you have clearly labeled the emotion, you can begin to uncover the reasons you feel this way and what you can do about it.

Highly sensitive people (HSP) are pretty sensitive to several stimuli: physical, mental and emotional. Their fear of failure may limit their risk-taking ability, and induce social anxiety. Moreover, these individuals are often perceived as weak and dramatic. Being sensitive can lead to many problems, and you must try finding ways to improve how you react to certain situations. At some point, sensitivity can end up being detrimental. More info about Easy Ways to Overcome Sensitivity.

As an HSP, it is possible that you are spending precious time and energy on matters that probably don’t need that level of attention. Try to reflect on the situation to figure out if it is a pressing matter or if it is trivial. Because HSPs pick up on subtle changes, they can sometimes read too much into situations.

Category One: Sensitivity About Oneself. Compares self with others often (in physical, relational, social, work, financial, or other scenarios), and experiences unhappy feelings from negative social comparison.

Category Two: Sensitivity About Others. Has a hard time accepting critical feedback, even when it’s given reasonably and constructively.

What is a relationship? If we consider it in a simple language, it is a bond between two people either by blood or choice. Blood relationships are our family members while other relationships count on friends, life partner or lover. For the exceptionally sensitive person, maintaining relationships is not easy or straightforward. More than that, the people who are in a relationship with the ultra sensitive people are faced with unique struggles of their own. Extra details about Relationships for sensitive individuals.

For many highly sensitive people, the key to managing oversensitivity is to utilize emotional immunity and sensory immunity strategies, to calm and alleviate overstimulation. For those who live or work with highly sensitive individuals, effective communication skills are a must to foster positive and constructive relationships.

References :

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Buy insect dog food online


Dog food from insects ? Looks unusual right ? But this type of food is nature friendly, healthy and ecological. We thoroughly believe that it is the best source of nutrition for dogs and therefore we have always insisted that it should make up the core of any good dog food. But as you’re no doubt aware, meat is also becoming a huge problem for the planet. As global demand for meat increases, the meat industry is responsible for ever increasing levels of habitat destruction (to clear land for meat animal rearing and for growing the crops that feed them) and carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. Add to that the awful animal welfare that most factory-farming entails and it’s easy to see why meat alternatives are rapidly becoming one of the hottest topics in the pet food world.

Pets, however, are another matter. According to some estimates, pets consume as much as 20% of a country’s meat intake—making them a significant point of leverage for cutting back on industrial, factory-farmed meat. But how viable (or ethical) is to turn your dog into a vegetarian? Grubs might be the answer. Specifically, they use a flour made from Hermetia Illucens larvae which are raised on a vegetarian diet of food waste. This flour is then blended with vegetables like potatoes and beets, and grains such as oats (selected for their lower carbon footprint, as well as their nutritional qualities).

Eat Small is energy, strength and endurance for dogs through natural food & cold pressed trainings treats. Quality hypoallergenic and yummy gluten and grain free ingredients also suitable for food sensitive dogs. Sustainable proteins together with high levels of essential vitamins, minerals & omega fatty acids, to reduce the carbon footprint of our four-legged friend.

Hermetia illucens, an exceptional source of revolutionary proteins for pets, with a minimal ecological footprint. Our tasty dog food and treats are made from the flour of the Hermetia illucens (Black Soldier Fly) specie raised in Germany. Like fish, poultry, pork or beef, Hermetia’s nymphs are a delicious source of protein and nutrients. We chose Hermetia illucens for its rapid reproduction and growth cycle, as well as its minimal need for water, food and space. Our Hermetia illucens nymphs come from certified farms that meet all. European standards of production and hygiene for food of animal origin. They are 100% free of GMOs, hormones and antibiotics.

Mineral responsible for the regularity of the cardiac rythm, indispensable for teeth and bone hardness. 100 g of HERMETIA contains as much calcium as 6 glasses of milk. Read extra info on Insect based dog food.

Cats and dogs are CARNIVOROUS, which means that they need animal proteins to stay healthy and active. INSECT PROTEINS from Hermetia contain all essential amino acids that carnivores like dogs need. Cats have slightly different physiologic needs and we are preparing for them something very special with another insect protein type. Although small, many edible insects surpass the nutritional qualities of meat. Their high protein content makes them particularly interesting for active dogs.

Why insects are a good choice for dogs with food allergies or digestive sensibilities? The most commun type of food sensitivity among dogs is food allergy. It means that a dog is allergic to one or more components of its diet. Symptoms are almost exclusively skin-related (itching and scratching, loss of hair, otitis, skin infection). In 80% of the allergies, at least one type of meat protein is involved (often what is found in the regular diet : beef, poultry, pork, lamb, sometimes fish). For those cases, insect protein is an excellent choice, because it is a protein that the body has never met before. Therefore it doesn’t react to it. But insects are also a highly digestible source of protein and nutrients. Eat Small has given its dry food WALD to 50 families with dogs, so it could be tested during 7 days. 99% of the owners said that their dog’s poop was well-formed and regular during the test. Some people even said that it was smelling much better than with a meat diet!!!

Can my dog be allergic to insect? If your dog have a known allergy against crustaceans like shrimps or lobsters (very unlikely) or to fleas or body/ear mites, he can also be allergic to the insect in its food. In these allergies, the allergen is most likely the chitin, an insoluble fiber found within the shell of crustaceans, but also in the exosqueleton of insects or body mites. Cross-reactions between these different allergies don’t occur systematically but it is important to be aware of it. Another possibility would be that, just like for meat, the immune system of a very sensitive dog eventually sensibilizes to insect protein.

For german readers : Eat Small ist die neue Generation von Trockenfutter und kaltgepressten Snacks fur Hunde aus Insektenprotein. Kostlich, nahrhaft, nachhaltig, ethisch. Hunde lieben einfach unser Haustierfutter aus Insektenprotein. Sie finden den wilden Geruch und den Geschmack unwiderstehlich. Lassen Sie Ihren Hund es ausprobieren, denn es ist eines der bestgehuteten Geheimnisse der Natur. Fleischproteine sind zu 80% an dem Auftreten von Lebensmittelallergien bei Hunden beteiligt. Insektenprotein ist eine perfekte Alternative, die hilft, die allergische Reaktion des Korpers zu stoppen. Insekten fordern eine ethische Landwirtschaft, die die Tierwelt respektiert. Sie bieten eine Alternative zur intensiven Tierhaltung als schmackhafte Quelle fur hochwertige tierische Proteine an.

Company Info
Company Name : eat small GmbH
Website : Hypoallergenes Hundefutter aus Insekten
Hähnelstr. 6
12159 Berlin
Tel.: +49 176 562 094 75
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg, Registernummer: HRB 188587 B

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Hosting with free SSL


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Wildcard SSL is a top choice for companies managing multiple sites hosted across numerous subdomains. A certificate configured for *, will secure, as well as,, and the others. The asterisk is used to serve as placeholder for all possible subdomains.

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Trekking in Nepal presents You must see Nepal at least once


Top destinations in Nepal presents Everest base camp trekking tour, a fabulous travel destination. Here are some tips if you plan to tour Himalaya.

Manaslu region trekking is one of the hidden gem in the central north part of Nepal. Manaslu towering at 8167m the 8th highest peak of the world is conquered by few and acclaimed as one of the most dangerous 8000er peak. The Manaslu region trekking gives you an opportunity to walk through one of the most varied landscape due to it’s wide altitude variation. The trek starts from Arughat which is at mere 500m and goes to the elevation of Larkya pass at 5143m. You experience the sub tropical climate to the high mountain climate in one trek. At the end of your trek you also traverse through the section of Manaslu circuit trek making it an ace. The journey is full of scenic locations, beautiful villages, rich Tibetan influenced culture and amazing mountain views. The Manaslu region trek can be done directly through the Larkya or visiting the isolated and sacred villages of Tsum valley. It requires a special permit to get in this region which is still far away from the modern civilization. We can see the Buddhist monasteries, Mani walls, prayer flags all along our way. The region is attracting more visitors in recent years. However, the authenticity and the unmatchable panorama is still intact which the visitors get to see still today. Manaslu region trek is certainly a great way to see diverse Nepal and soak in it’s pure form.

Hydration is Key. If there is one tip that I can give you while in the mountains, it is to make sure that keeping hydrated is one of your top priorities. At higher levels of altitude, your body will dehydrate much quicker than it will at sea level, and you will have to make sure you are drinking plenty of water to compensate. I would recommend that you are drinking around five liters of water throughout the day while in the mountains. This is where the different types of water bottles come in handy. My routine in the mountains with regards to water is generally the same daily. Every evening, before I go to bed, I would fill up my Nalgene bottle full of boiling hot water and that bottle would immediately go into my sleeping bag to keep my feet and body toasty in my room while I sleep, and then, as that water had been boiled, I would be able to wake up in the morning and immediately begin drinking. I would hope to finish that bottle before we left for the day’s trek, then try and drink another three liters while walking and another one liter at least when we get to the next tea house that afternoon/evening. This process of drinking five liters of water a day can be daunting to many, but I find it to be essential to people’s success in the mountains.

Trekking in Everest region is the most popular activity of the visitors. The Everest region is the home of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Amadabalam, Pumori and many other famous mountains. Likewise the region is the homeland of Sherpa people. Everest region is known as the home of Sherpa people and the mysterious Yeti. Everest region trekking destination is located in the eastern part of Nepal. There are several choices of trekking, peak climbing and mountaineering. In this region several well developed trekking trail like Everest Base Cap Trek, Gokyo Lake Trek and many other trails are busy to service the trekkers. Some trails are remote semi-wilderness areas, there is a choice to suit all-corners.

Top tips : Hire your porter or guide in either Kathmandu or better yet when you arrive in Lukla on the plane. Prices are expensive when you book from your own country and if you book your guides in Nepal, you can be sure that more money is going directly to them as opposed to large corporations. There are many porters and guides that will meet you at the plane when your flight comes in to Lukla that are very experienced and capable. Plus, You have the added bonus of being able to interview them and see if you get on and you save money by not having to pay for their flight from Kathmandu. We climbed with our good friend Dipendra in Nepal, a guide with over a decade of experience.

Why You Should Go Manaslu Circuit Trekking? Manaslu circuit trekking is a restricted area trekking in Nepal. You will need three trekking permits to trek in the region. They are the Manaslu restricted area permit, Manslu Conservation Permit and Manaslu Conservation Permit, The slow trekkers can’t get permit, for this trek, required minimum 2 trekkers. If you are trekking to Tsum valley also, then you will require the Tsum valley permit. Also, if you have any plans on joining the Manaslu trekking route while returning, you need to get a TIMS card. Read additional details on

Before you arrive and arrival in Kathmandu – Make sure you get the best rate on your flight to Nepal (Here is how). Most visitors can simply get a visa on arrival so it won’t save you much time to get one beforehand. One thing that is important is to make sure your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of entry. Send us your ticket information once you have your flights and our representative will be waiting for you with a Himalayanwonders signboard. Here is short YouTube Video of what you might expect at the airport.

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The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success


The Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) Global Launch Conference was a complete success.

On April 9, 2019, the “Hong Kong Medical Public Chain (MCHK) Global Conference” hosted by Hong Kong Medisun Medical Group was successfully held at the Royal Plaza Hotel in Hong Kong. The conference invited government officials, international capital representatives, media representatives, representatives of private entrepreneurs, representatives of cooperative enterprises and other important guests to attend, as well as more than 5,000 people from all over the world who have witnessed the medical chain audio-visual feast of the conference.


The theme of the conference is “MCHK uses blockchain technology to subvert the medical system”, which means that Hong Kong Medicare Medical Group will create a new era of medical and blockchain integration after achieving traditional medical achievements! Realize the maximum convenience and value of medical technology and artificial intelligence!


At the conference, Mr. Danny Wong, Executive Chairman of Medisun Medical Group, gave a welcome speech and talked about the origin, value and significance of the Hong Kong medical public chain.


Ms. Sun Yaqi, Executive Vice President of Medisun Medical Group, then introduced the background of the group, technology research and development, expert team, and key regenerative Medisun products (vaccine, stem cell treatment, immune cell treatment).


Mr.Tan Genlai,technical director of blockchain and EOS core technology developer,explained MCHK medical public chain from national policy,group mission,industry enthusiasm,strategic layout and business modelto interpret.And also combined with group strength strategic deployment and the special services and products to show the software and hardware advantages of the Medisun Group,and expressed the great goals and the expectation of a bright future. P4090136

Medical expert Dr Albert shows that Medisun Medical Group develops stem cell regenerative technologies and products worldwide,focusing on heart disease and other diseases such as cancer,liver disease,lung disease,kidney disease,diabetes, autoimmune diseases,and nerves.Systemic diseases,strokes,and spinal injuries.He also said that the Group will vigorously explore the potential of regenerative technology for the treatment of human diseases and strive to promote it as the leader of future Medisun. P4090157

At the conference, the MCHK launching ceremony and the international capital signing ceremony were held. The world’s four famous capitals ( Lutpuce Capital, Cisco Capital, Beth Capital, and Yunhai International Capital) signed an on-site contract with MCHK.



After the signing ceremony of the international capital, Ms. Zhang Ke, a well-known blockchain expert, gave a detailed description of the MCHK node plan. The participants were enthusiastic and participated in the node plan.



The global launch of the Hong Kong Medical Public Link (MCHK) will be successfully completed. Based on the collection of 500 advanced medical institutions in Hong Kong, 5,000 medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area will be integrated within three years. The framework of blockchain technology will be used as a framework to unite with Medisun Medical Group’s rich clinical research and development technology and experience of regenerative technology, enhance the trust and consensus of children’s vaccine and cancer vaccine industry, promote the integration and upgrading of medical industry in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and realize the first 9+2 city medical service system in Dawan District to reach the international standard level.

Introduction to Medisun Medical Group

Headquartered in Hong Kong, Medisun Medical Group is a professional medical investment group dedicated to the research and development and commercialization of global regenerative Medisun product technology, as well as quality hospitals and treatment centers. The Medisun Regenerative Centre is located in Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong. It has an international GMP standard medical laboratory, cancer treatment center and anti-aging center. It provides immune cell therapy, a variety of stem cell health treatments, a number of child and adult vaccinations and a full range of biomedical products. Testing to provide customers with the most predictable health protection.

Medisun has long-term cooperation with the Johns Hopkins Life Science Center and the Harvard University Stem Cell Institute, working on the investment and research and development of new technologies in the field of regenerative worldwide, and conducting clinical trials in many well-known hospitals in mainland China and Hong Kong; In cooperation with Tsinghua University, Medisun established the “Medical Institute of Cell Technology of Tsinghua University” and “Medical University Tsinghua University Regenerative Medisun Industry Fund”.


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